
To fulfill Jesus’ command to make disciples throughout the earth by preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, and by teaching them to obey everything He commanded us so that these disciples would look and act so much like Jesus Christ, that people would call them Christians.

We believe that what God desires more than anything else is for mankind to commune with Him. Our goal as a church is to encourage, instruct, and exhort individuals to commune with God on a daily basis, both personally and as families.

The goal of our corporate services is to meet with God through prayer, music, preaching and fellowship. Biblical knowledge should foster praise to God and a desire for the presence of God. As we cultivate a lifestyle of communion with God in an ever increasing way, we will become more like Christ, our example.

Main Points of Our Vision

Web Design


Spreading the Gospel through sharing the message of salvation by Grace to the world.

Email Marketing


Teachng the Gospel to those who desire a stronger and deeper walk of faith with Christ.

Corportate Solutions


What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.