Agiding Life Church Logo

Our primary mission is to inform, encourage, and exhort people to come to Jesus Christ and abide in Him. Jesus told His disciples that if they abide in Him and He in them, they would experience His joy in this present life and in eternity. We meet regularly to seek God and receive a touch from Him. Our prayer is that those who are hungry and thirsty will find the presence of The Lord through worship and the preaching of the Word of God.

We would encourage you to seek The Lord as to where He would have you attend church. We would be glad to pray with you as you make this important decision, understanding that you personally are responsible before God to follow His voice.

John 10:27

My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me...

Who We Are

  • Our Pastor
  • What We Believe
  • Our Worship
  • Hebron Ministries

John Battaglia came to know Jesus Christ at the age of 4. He grew up with godly parents and went to Cedarville University where he graduated with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Bible in 1975. He taught 5th grade in a public school for six years, taking a year’s leave of absence to return to school at Letourneau College for a certificate in Missionary Technology. John married his wife (Ellen) in 1978. Together they worked in a Christian retreat center and later managed a working farm for 17 years. During that time, the Lord led John to start and co-pastor a church for 5 years in Dahlonega, GA. In 2000, John started a construction business and he currently works with 3 of his 10 children in that business. They have also been blessed with 30 grandchildren.

God again led John and Ellen to start a church in Acworth, Georgia in 2010 under the oversight of Hebron Ministries. Their chief goal is to be obedient to the voice of God and to seek communion with Him on a daily basis. Their desire is for others to experience the joy they have found in following Jesus, through abiding in Him.

God: There is one true God, eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the Maker and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible.

The Lord Jesus Christ: We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virginal birth, His perfect life, His redemptive death, His bodily resurrection, His present exaltation at the right hand of the Father and His personal return.

The Holy Spirit: We believe in the deity and person of the Holy Spirit, who works in men and empowers them. He enables men to live a life of holiness and fruitful service.

The Scriptures: The whole canon of Scripture, the Old and New Testaments as originally given, is inspired and authoritative, and of supreme and final authority in all that it teaches and declares.

Man: Man was created in the image of God and for fellowship with Him.Through the sin of our father, Adam, sin came into the world and separated man from his holy Creator. Because Adam was in sin and separated from God, his offspring are born in the same state. They are therefore estranged from God and under His wrath. However, Jesus Christ, being sinless, took the place of sinful man and suffered the divine consequences and judgment of sin so that man’s relationship with his Creator could be fully restored. Through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, man can be set free from God’s judgment and be born into eternal life.

The Church: We believe the Church is made up of every true believer who has been born again, and that the mission of all believers here on earth, with Christ as our Head, is to be priests who stand before both God and men. As priests, we stand before God to praise and love Him, and we stand before men to share with them the gospel of salvation.

The Resurrection: We believe in the resurrection of all who are dead. Every person who is saved will receive eternal life in the presence of Christ, and every person who is not saved will receive eternal condemnation in the lake of fire.

The Second Coming of Christ: Jesus Christ will return to gather His Church to Himself, to set up His Kingdom, and to judge all men. All who are in Christ will enjoy eternal blessedness, but all the impenitent will suffer everlasting punishment. We believe that although the truths concerning the second coming of the Lord and the end are important, any doctrinal differences or errors in these particular areas will not cause a person to lose their soul. These differences should not serve as a basis or reason to exclude any believer from the Body of Christ or fellowship within it.

It is necessary to recognize that the Lord is rebuilding, repairing, and raising up lives to build His dwelling place with them, and, therefore, He is seeking worshippers who worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). For this reason, Hebron Ministries emphasizes praise to God according to the biblical pattern, emphatically avoiding every form of worship that is a product of human imagination or of any national culture. Our goal must be to conform to heaven’s culture in every area of life, especially in the area of worship.

Our desire is that we be conformed to the pattern of worship that is found in heaven. King David spent time in God’s presence, and he learned to offer acceptable sacrifices of worship. As New Testament priests, we are called to do the same (1 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15).

Jesus Christ is the center of our vision. Hebron Ministries desires to exalt the Lord and share biblical keys that will enable hungry hearts to love and know the Lord in a deeper way. As people are drawn to Jesus, they will be drawn to one another, and the Body of Christ will experience a greater measure of unity and love. As a result, the lost and dying world will see the beauty of Jesus through our lives rather than only hearing about Him through sermons. Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35).

Click here to learn more about Hebron Ministries.

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